Why aren’t my staff like …

... Chocolate Peppermint Creams? Imagine you've had a tough week. You deserve a treat and on the way home you buy yourself a box of chocolates. They are your favourite. All the one flavour. Chocolate Peppermint Creams. You're home and the place is all yours. You snuggle yourself into your favourite chair, grab the remote control in case you want music or TV for company, open up that book you've been wanting to read, take a sip of your fine wine and put your hand in the box. You pull out a fat creamy heavily coated dark chocolate. Slip it onto your tongue. Wrap your teeth around it and …ugghhh!!!! It's not your favourite chocolate flavour at all. You try another, and another and another and you find you've got…
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Personal Development
Communication is the grease of life. If we fail to communicate, or communicate ineffectually, our relationships suffer, our quality drops and our results don't meet expectations. Yet we communicate every day in every way. We have more devices to communicate with then ever and these speed up the process. So, how come 'we' are notoriously lousy at it? Speed is one of the key issues. Emails and texts and phone calls are so quick and easy we often 'say' things we don't mean. No matter how many emoticons we use, email and text have no context or reference to interpret adequately the intent of the sender. And we're forever in a rush, at least those of us in the cities always seem to be. So we don't have time to…
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Find Your Purpose? Hmmm….

Personal Development
I recently did an experiential exercise in 'finding your purpose'. I took far longer than I realised - time passed quickly as I was patting down walls and chairs, grovelling along a gritty grubby floor, talking aloud as I hit yet another obstacle, frustrated myself and talked myself out of giving up, analysed how this 'game' would work and where the cards might be, chastised the Team for setting up such a ***** stupid exercise. Some 45 minutes later I walked out with my card ... but not my purpose. And that seems to have been the trick - it seems looking for purpose not a card got you there faster, and that made sense to me. Since that exercise I've been reflecting and I think I'm getting closer to…
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Success consists of a series of little daily victories

Personal Development
What is success to you? It is different for each of us. So bear in mind that your version of success is just as valid as anyone else's. The best chance of success occurs when our goals or dreams are aligned with our purpose. Once you've worked out what success is for you, recognise that you have some wins and learning experiences along the way. Focus on your dream, do more of what's working and less of what's not, stay committed to the dream and never give up, and remember success may be one more phone call away, or one meeting away, or one more day away ... who knows how close or far it is? When you reach your goal, you need to celebrate your wins. That reinforces to…
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Surrender to your spirit

Personal Development
The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it - so fine that we often are on the line and do not know it! Ralph Waldo Emerson. Spirit knows no lack or limitation. When you trust with all your spirit, heart and soul, your faith is usually rewarded. The thing that often gets in the way of being, having and doing anything you want is yourself. Yeah, there's lots of excuses but peel those away and look at your contribution to the outcome. Deep down we know we are powerful without measure but 'stuff' gets in the way. Stuff like fear, and lack of trust. Surrendering isn't about sitting back and taking no action. You absolutely need to do everything it takes…
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